This site, accessible at the URL (the “Site”), is the property of Pixel n'Pepper, a SCOP company with a variable capital, registered in the RCS (Oléans Trade and Companies Register) under number 795 343 722 00018, whose registered office is located at 11, rue du Marronnier, France, subject to VAT under number FR55795343722 ( e-mail: )
The Site’s publication director is Mme Nathanaëlle Picot in her capacity as Manager.
The Site is hosted by, who have a capital of €2,300,000 and whose registered office is at 63, 65 Boulevard Massena, 75013 Paris – France. is registered in the RCS of Paris under number 423 093 459 00042, intra-community VAT number FR81423093459.
The User acknowledges having read this privacy policy and undertakes to comply with it.
Pixel n'Pepper attaches great importance to the protection of privacy and personal data.
In accordance with European Regulation 2016/679 of 26 April 2016, the “Data Protection Act” of 6 January 1978 as amended and the Decree of 20 October 2005 as amended, Pixel n'Pepper is strongly committed to the persons concerned.
No personal information is collected on the site by Pixel n'Pepper.
This policy applies to cookies and other technological systems employed on digital services published by Pixel n'Pepper and accessible by a user via their television, computer, tablet, smartphone or other mobile device.
The user is informed that, during their visits to the Site, a cookie may be automatically installed on their browser software. A cookie is a block of data that does not allow users to be identified but is used to record information relating to their browsing on the site.
The general structure, texts, images, whether animated or not, sounds, and all other elements that the Site is composed of, are the exclusive property of Pixel n'Pepper or its partners.
Any total or partial representation of this site without the express authorization of the site operator is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L. 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.
The trademarks of Pixel n'Pepper and its partners, as well as the logos appearing on the site whether semi-figurative or not, are registered trademarks. Any total or partial reproduction of these brands or logos taken from parts of the site, without the express authorization of the website operator, is therefore prohibited, as stipulated in Article L. 713-2 of the Intellectual Property Code.
The Site and its content are provided “as is” and without any guarantee, including any guarantee of future performance. Pixel n'Pepper excludes all warranties, to the extent permitted by law. In this respect, specifically, Pixel n'Pepper does not guarantee that the Site will be accessible at all times or without error and/or defects. In this context, it should be noted that access to the Site may be temporarily suspended, due to (i) the hardware and/or software maintenance of the Site server, and/or (ii) the hardware, software and/or editorial maintenance of the Site, and/or (iii) the occurrence of a case of force majeure. Under no circumstances will the temporary or permanent unavailability of the Site give rise to any claim for damages or any other form of compensation.
It should be noted that (i) data transmission over the Internet is only relatively reliable, as it runs on heterogeneous networks with various characteristics and capacities that may be saturated at certain times of the day and may impact download times or data accessibility, (ii) the Internet is an open network and, consequently, the information it conveys is not protected against risks of hijacking, hacking into your system, piracy of data, programs and files on the system or contamination by computer viruses, and (iii) it is the User’s responsibility to take all appropriate measures to protect his/her system and content against contamination by viruses by way of attempted hacking. Consequently, Pixel n'Pepper shall not be liable for any damage resulting from access, use and/or unavailability of the Site, and in particular for any loss of data/programs, contamination by viruses, financial and/or commercial damage and/or loss of image. Pixel n'Pepper reserves the right to carry out maintenance and updates during which products and services will not be available. Pixel n'Pepper reserves the right to add or remove features, modify the layout of the tool or insert links, whether promotional or not.
Applicable law
These General Terms and Conditions are governed by French law.
These General Terms and Conditions contain all the obligations of the parties. However, they may be supplemented and/or amended by any additional text agreed between the Parties and specifically regarding to these General Terms and Conditions.
No general or specific condition communicated by the User may be incorporated into these General Conditions.